Sunday, August 21, 2011

Omar & Diego (and Marilyn)

 Omar and Diego came from Chicago and the family lived in an apartment across the street from the tennis park.  So naturally we welcomed them. Diego was a year or so younger and a good learner like his brother, but  Omar started to cross step after hitting his serve,  This is caused by a desire to hit he ball harder and is very difficult to master so Diego managed to hold his own with him.. 
Omar Marilyn, Diego    All Grown up.
One terrific pro who got away with that was Boris Becker.  He had a very powerful cross step serve and won Wimbledon at age 17. And Omar watched.  So, this became  a great time for Diego, because he could  beat his older brother and anybody knows there is nothing so cool as that..  I encouraged them to play each other saying to each (while alone with each) 'try to make your brother the best tennis player you can.'   Omar took this seriously while Diego was living a younger brother's dream.    
They were both eligible for county league play and both went with the team to Moore Park on the day we had the coach's organizational meeting to practice with the Moore Park team.  One of the coaches came over to me and, pointing at Omar and Diego said,
"There is  no way those kids are  first year players",  raving about Diego's serve and  Omar's power.  I explained they had come from Chicago only a couple of months ago and had not played tennis before.  After the other coaches talked to the kids, they all agreed they were eligible to play.
On the way back to our park. when we stopped for our usual Flora's pizza, I explained what happened and asked them to agree not to play on the team.   I would keep working with them and help  them  participate in USTA weekly  tournaments.  It took a lot of persuasion. 
Then, when Omar was a junior in high school, after much work, he finally taught himself how to serve and land on his left foot and follow up with a volley.  He became # 1 for the Beach Hi team and for Diego, the bubble burst.
The best part of the brothers was their, just turning 4 year old sister, Marilyn.  Heaven seems to know just  how to  make 4 year old girls and what a beautiful creation she was..

Marilyn now: still Beautiful
The owner of the hotel theater on Miami Beach,  which was playing  Peter Pan, gave me more than 40 seats for the live production..  So chaperones in tow we all went to see Peter Pan.  On the night I went, when the show was over, we couldn't find Marilyn.  We had everyone looking for her.  We couldn't find her.. . .  Finally someone re-looked where she was sitting and there she was.  Sleeping.  She was so small when the cushion seat came up, with her  sleeping between it and the back of the seat, she was almost completely hidden.. .  I still remember that awful, terrible fear.
Oh yeah.  During the tournament year the team had to default one match but even without Omar and Diego, we finished 18-1.  We also won the championship playoff and the team all got trophies. Second year in a row.

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