Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Splatt !!!!

Listen all men.  You better watch this.  Forget losing jobs and sending jobs overseas.   The richest 1% will not need us at all  in the future.  And as soon as robots can sync with automatic lawn mowers Romney won't even have to hire illegals to cut  the  grass on the lawn at his home..
Maybe women wont need us either. They already can make babies from a lab dish, and once they can train these robots to take the garbage out, that's it.. 

So hurry up, we must organize before its too late.  Lay in a supply of fly swatters and good luck. . . . .  This is all about how the  latest drones were born,  Don't click the link if you don't want to see the first step in a future without men.

Please 'CLICK' here; 
hgknews then register your reaction


  1. Whoa those robots totally blew my mind & frightingly reminded me of the film Minority Report
