Thursday, March 29, 2012

Old PIB (Pee ina Bottle) wrong again???

One of the early acts of the governor of Florida was to refuse federal money intended for a study on the  use and development of a rapid transit train.  In this case, from Tampa to Orlando, and for a continuation to Miami..  When former governor Charlie Christ was confronted with a similar rapid transit plan he said,
Wrong kind of bullets.
  ”We are very excited about the potential for passenger rail service in the state. We believe these projects will enhance the transportation choices of our growing resident and visitor populations.”  Both These guys,  governors, both these guys Republicans, so what gives?  Why the difference?
It now appears that the Florida East coast Railway Co, a private company,. is in a feasibility study for rapid transit between Miami and Orlando. They say they own or have access to existing rail lines which are available and which makes  going forward very likely.  Old PIB (pee ina bottle) Scott seems to be whistling his own tune which indicates he doesn't know what the purpose of being a governor is. 
We don't need the governor  to use his position to tell us how to run our lives, or intrude into our privacy, or collect our body waste, (at government expense), or consider ways to keep voters from voting,  These are things Republicans say they are against. With their mouths..
What PIB may need is a surgical procedure to put his mouth on the same side of his head as his ass. That way the the horse poop can be coming out of the same side as the regular poop..

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Splatt !!!!

Listen all men.  You better watch this.  Forget losing jobs and sending jobs overseas.   The richest 1% will not need us at all  in the future.  And as soon as robots can sync with automatic lawn mowers Romney won't even have to hire illegals to cut  the  grass on the lawn at his home..
Maybe women wont need us either. They already can make babies from a lab dish, and once they can train these robots to take the garbage out, that's it.. 

So hurry up, we must organize before its too late.  Lay in a supply of fly swatters and good luck. . . . .  This is all about how the  latest drones were born,  Don't click the link if you don't want to see the first step in a future without men.

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Sunday, March 4, 2012


A high School senior named Daniela Peleaz, came to this country at age 4 with her parents.  She lived here since then and at age 18, is Valedictorian at North Miami High School.  So far she has been accepted for admission by Yale University.  And now a federal judge has ruled she should be returned to Columbia. 

Hugo, at Beach Hi meeting.
On February 12, 2011, I wrote a post about Hugo.  Unfortunately, in Hugo's case, the immigration ruling came months after Hugo graduated.  At the time he was employed by the Nieman Marcus Department Store near Miami Beach,

This is a repost.

A tennis pupil of mine since he was 12, Raz, who now played  played #1 (tennis) for Miami Beach Hi. introduced me to Hugo.  Hugo asked would I help him with tennis.  Which I did.  He heard about the ‘Dwight’s Computers for Kids’ program, volunteered to help, and we became friends.  Hugo had a torturous schedule.  After school he came to practice tennis and then went to his apartment to change.  At 5:30 he went to work at a Chinese restaurant delivering call in orders and what ever else needed to be done.   After that he parked cars for a valet service at a hotel..  Every day. On weekends he also helped his girlfriend sell sandwiches from a pushcart and after work at the restaurant he valet(ed  until  3 in the morning.  He picked up and delivered 'day old' bread for the Sunday congregation at his church.  With computers from Dwight's Kids program he set up a lab at his and other churches in Dade County.  He never refused 
to help anyone.  His use of time amazed his teachers at school who used him for odd jobs which he did willingly and when he graduated a friend recommended him for the job he was vacating for college.  Everyone at school knew and loved Hugo. Anyway, the job, asst. mgr. of the shoe department at Macys.  A few weeks later the shoe dept. mgr. of another store, closer to his apartment, offered him a similar job as his assistant.  He said 'yes' and  gave 2 week notice.  He asked his new boss if he could sell shoes during his 'extra' time.  Soon he became #2  in shoe sales. With commission and salary his income soared to almost $1,000.00 a week. he was only months out of high school.  Unbelievable. 

Hugo, delivering computer for kids.
He had a 'Students green card" but wanted permanent residency so he hired a lawyer on a high floor in a downtown Miami building.  He asked me to accompany him to the hearing.  On the floor of the hearing I met a friend who asked what I was doing there and when I told him he asked the judge's name.  Hearing the name he then said, "If he’s a friend, get him out of here right now. Say he’s sick or whatever."  I tried. His lawyer did not know anything negative about the judge.  Hugo was so excited he wanted the hearing now. 
The judge refused his request and ruled he had to return to Columbia.  The manager of the store, one of this country’s most prestigious chains, his boss’s boss, offered to help "in any way I can” 
(Two years later his application for a tourist visa was refused because of the ‘denial’ for permanent residency.) Everytime I think of it, it makes me laugh with tears. We threw Hugo out of the country.  I still find it hard to believe.
In Columbia with the help of a tennis scholarship he graduated from college.
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