Sunday, December 26, 2010


Patty-cake, patty-cake . . .
My 75 year old mother had her own apartment and worked at a small ladies apparel store on Collins Avenue,  And she was still driving to and from work.  It was almost 2 on a Sunday afternoon and my brother was late for his regular Sunday date. After 2 she called the police.  She told them my brother was never late for lunch on Sunday and she was afraid something had happened to him.  I was not home.  (the ubiquitous cel phone was still  around the corner,)  A policeman comes, calms mom down and then calls the station and gives them mom's phone number,  Its where he is if needed. He stays with mom until he locates me.  I get there about 3:30 thank him before he leaves.  I locate my brother, he's ok.  Somehow he thought it was Saturday.
That happening changed my view of the police forever and despite  a few bones to break, I will always be more understanding and indebted  to the police department.
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