Saturday, January 1, 2011


Gin hand
We are playing '3 partners on a side' gin, in Looey’s house.  That means 6 handed, 3 players on each side.  Marty (a circuit court judge) is not on my side.  In this hand, of the game we were playing, we have them on a triple blitz.  Blitz means they have not scored yet on any game and if the game finishes that way, as losers, they will have to pay double the amount due for each blitz game.  ($50.00 no blitz) (Blitz-$100.00)  Last game is for double. $100.00 no blitz.  Blitz-$200.00.
My partners  have already won their hands creating a double blitz for them so far in the first two games and if I win and get 15 points in the last game (last game is for $100.00, no blitz, blitz pays double), it’s a triple blitz. ($400.00)  I’m playing against Marty.  He picks a card and I say, off handedly,
"Whadcha’ pick Marty?"
And he says, "The 6 of clubs.". . . . . (excuse me a minute)   Pandemonium.  It’s a good thing there were no firearms available.  Obviously, he did pick the 6 of clubs. 
When a bit of decorum returns, we resume playing the hand.  In my hand I'm set for gin, I need a '3 card' spread and I have 2 7s and a live card.  I pick the 5 of clubs, which matches one of my 7s.  I discard the other 7.  Marty does not want me to know one of the cards in his hand so after he picks, he discards the 6 of clubs.  GIN!!!  (25 extra points)  If you thought it was pandemonium before, forget about it.  (excuse me a couple of minutes)  You really had to be there.

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